Albeit, he was a little weaker than his burly predecessor, but that's just the tank. Is hard still hard? Moreover, the chargers by themselves sort of act like super-tanks...and if they're playable in versus matches in the same vein that Tanks used to be, that could easily be a setup for devastation in the right hands.
The variety in the array of weapons and new infected make up for the few short-comings in my honest opinion. :D
Well, L4D2 could still be fun. I STILL play L4D, but the infrequent times I get to my distant friend's house, we co-op on the sequel. I like to think of it less like an entirely different game, and more like an elaborate expansion.
New maps! New playable characters! Additional Zombies! Additional weapons + melee! A fun game is still fun, copy-pasta or not. Perhaps that's optimism speaking, but I had a blast with the sequel, and I find myself craving to play it more.
main thing that pissed me off was the tank. There was literally nothing dangerous about him. :/ same routine. Light him on fire run around and shoot wait for him to die. They coulda done more -_-"