Hello dudes, and dudettes (yea right). Just dropping a quick news post down here, cuz I can. B-)
I has some good news :D Hank has caught up to me code wise. So now the roles are reversed. I dun have to constantly be on hanks ass to code nemore :3 Now he has the right to do that to me ;D. For some reason he dosnt... Fuckin cod >:c W.e. As soon as i finish the next batch of art I think the game will be done. Unless we decide to add more stuff. Which MIGHT happen. Ya know when you play ure games you just think you can do more with it. So you uh.. Do more with it. Make it the best it can be ya know ;D. After I do the art, I'll prolly just cut up sounds, and whip the musician to get to work ;D <3 I WANT ME SUM SEXY MUSICS!!!1 :3 So expect RDO out soon.. hopefully.. Feel free to scold me in the comments to get to work since Mr.hank wont do it D;
IN OTHER NEWS the AVP demo is very fun. I might get the full game. They better fix that gay lobby set up :@:@:@:@ finding a game is so gHey with a capital H. L4D2 made zombie killing so boring. I dislike how they copy pasted alot of stuff from the 1st game. like hunters, boomers, and smokers I can let go with them copy-pasting, but wtf why the tank :@:@:@ soo boring >:c ive spent like weeks, if not months of gametime on L4D1 ive prolly only spent a few hours on L4D2 -_-" me no like copy-pasting. NEWAYS enuff with the fanboy nerd rants. Oh yea there making a new predator movie. I happen to fuckin love predator. There gonna ruin it some more :D hurray.. adfadaaaf
/MOAR NEWS I did my first art trade :3 I draw'd Jason, and my good buddy drew Deejay for me (At bottom)
black people ftw.
oh deejay ure so black.
Big news post is big. BYE
Well, L4D2 could still be fun. I STILL play L4D, but the infrequent times I get to my distant friend's house, we co-op on the sequel. I like to think of it less like an entirely different game, and more like an elaborate expansion.
New maps! New playable characters! Additional Zombies! Additional weapons + melee! A fun game is still fun, copy-pasta or not. Perhaps that's optimism speaking, but I had a blast with the sequel, and I find myself craving to play it more.
main thing that pissed me off was the tank. There was literally nothing dangerous about him. :/ same routine. Light him on fire run around and shoot wait for him to die. They coulda done more -_-"