Go check it out :3 My little thank you gift to everyone who pitched in. Took longer than expected @_@ im happy with how it came out. Except for the damn drawing shad made me do >:C he wanted his nude robot -.- god forgive me.
Well my dogs are home and well now :P except for one that died but oh well nothing we can do bout him :/ I now need to go back to work on my games. The iphone game was going very well was looking like it woulda been out soon BUT i gotta remake all the graphics >:C so it can look sexy on iphone 4 so thats really really gay and came out of no where -.-" God help me. The dragon game was put on hold for over a month. Hanky broke his computer and we had to wait till he got a new one, but he has one now.
Now hes ready to finish the game i think. All we gotta do is put in sounds, and instructions page and itll be done :P very close. Anyways Have a good day
glad you got to keep your dogs!
also, your artwork style is damn sexy.
fancy drawings, mister!