I like to plug in stuff that friends of mine make/work on. I feel privileged having a spot on the NG front page to post on news and such, and I like to help others get noticed. Evan if its just a post that stays on for a day or 2 :P I still like to think it'd help out
My buddy remix Is always looking for animators to work with, he makes hilarious dubs on youtube if theres any animators looking for voice actors that can pretty much do any type of voice imaginable you should contact this guy :D he voiced for RDR please contact em n give em a shot ;)
audio sample he made.
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /392521
one of his awsome dubs XD
aside from that "personal news"
my tablet still hasnt arrived >:C damn ebay. I lost like a week of work -____-" Im working on a flash version of turtle trigger. itll have around 1/3 of the stuff the finished product will have. Planning on having it come out at the same time turtle trigger comes out. You guys will get a nice animated trailer, a flash game, and the final product. I hope you all will enjoy it
dragon dragon rock the dragon
aha i saw this pretty funny