The Male is a Russian, I want him to speak with a thick Russian accent, hes a dopey russian character that loves his borsche and vodka. hes silly
The Female is a German, and shes a Nazi, and I want her to sound obviously german
The nazi is a mean person, and shes a racist (sort of) she hates the american and the russian.
The game takes place during World War II, And there are zombies everywhere :o Sounds original right? I know its kool. The games a shooter, and Im aiming for a game with like 3-4 hours of content :D so that should be fun for you guys right? to voice that. Its gonna be like Left 4 dead where there are 3 characters, and they talk amongst themselves in-game. There's no annoying story, the only story youll get is what comes out of these players lips. All in-game. Anyways!
Please send me a demo, via PM or you can Email me at
Classified Random 2
Turtle Trigger "teaser"