
Age 32, Male

Art art n art


Joined on 6/15/06

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Gonzossm's News

Posted by Gonzossm - March 18th, 2010

Bout time -_-" I only say this because Hank told me to stop adding stuff to the game so I did, and I think the games just about done. All it needs is MUSIC :| and sound effects (workin on it) Idk where maestro rage ran off to D: he was supposed to do my music. NEWAYS once RDO is done. It'll prolly take a week or 2 to find a sponsor me and hank will be happy with. God Im relieved were almost done. its been since like september when we started. Prior to that I was working on other games BUT those never saw the light of day ;D (coders like to run away >:C) I hope all these trials will be worth it in the end -_-"

If you guys are awsome please send HANK the coder behind RDO a happy message or something. He's gettin heart surgery on Monday next week. :| Hes uneasy bout it. Go help relieve his stress if you want ;D

pico day is coming up D: I really really wanna make something for it. I plan to make something, but things usually never go as planned for me -_-" itll prolly just end up being another file sitting on my hardrive never to be used like everything else :'( Neways heres a happy picture

I think were almost done  :|

Posted by Gonzossm - February 16th, 2010

Hello dudes, and dudettes (yea right). Just dropping a quick news post down here, cuz I can. B-)
I has some good news :D Hank has caught up to me code wise. So now the roles are reversed. I dun have to constantly be on hanks ass to code nemore :3 Now he has the right to do that to me ;D. For some reason he dosnt... Fuckin cod >:c W.e. As soon as i finish the next batch of art I think the game will be done. Unless we decide to add more stuff. Which MIGHT happen. Ya know when you play ure games you just think you can do more with it. So you uh.. Do more with it. Make it the best it can be ya know ;D. After I do the art, I'll prolly just cut up sounds, and whip the musician to get to work ;D <3 I WANT ME SUM SEXY MUSICS!!!1 :3 So expect RDO out soon.. hopefully.. Feel free to scold me in the comments to get to work since Mr.hank wont do it D;
IN OTHER NEWS the AVP demo is very fun. I might get the full game. They better fix that gay lobby set up :@:@:@:@ finding a game is so gHey with a capital H. L4D2 made zombie killing so boring. I dislike how they copy pasted alot of stuff from the 1st game. like hunters, boomers, and smokers I can let go with them copy-pasting, but wtf why the tank :@:@:@ soo boring >:c ive spent like weeks, if not months of gametime on L4D1 ive prolly only spent a few hours on L4D2 -_-" me no like copy-pasting. NEWAYS enuff with the fanboy nerd rants. Oh yea there making a new predator movie. I happen to fuckin love predator. There gonna ruin it some more :D hurray.. adfadaaaf
/MOAR NEWS I did my first art trade :3 I draw'd Jason, and my good buddy drew Deejay for me (At bottom)
black people ftw.
oh deejay ure so black.

Big news post is big. BYE

Random jibber-jabbers

Posted by Gonzossm - January 28th, 2010

Ive gotten a few requests to speak more about my new game coming out. Im not entirely sure what to say about it :P its been in productions since SEPTEMBER :| I really really hope you guys will enjoy it. Like 5 months in the making. Shit. TTT only took 2 months -_-" Its gonna feel really good submitting this.
So info on the game. Well Its a defense game. Youre a pink dragon, and you can pick people up and throw them. Or slash them to death. or throw poop at them. Your choice how you choose to kill them. Your defending a giant red dragon. Itll have waves of enemies attacking you like you'd expect from any standard defense game. There will be boss fights in this game ;) A shop will be in it of course where you can buy plenty of stuff to aid you in ure fights :P I like the knights and archers you can hire. They walk around the screen and fight the bad guys. I'd like to show you guys some screenshots, but thatd ruin the first impression D; I want it all to be fresh fer you guys :3
I see no harm in sharing the preloader tho. So HERE :P
You can prolly notice some familiar characters from previous stuff ive made. Rufus da Demon is a boss in this game :3 the grunts are the grunts in Fatherly bonds
Im HOPING to get it done by next month, but ive been saying that since forever. :/

If you guys would like some more information just ask below.

Heres some pixel art I did for a small flash game that wont ever see the light of day =_=" was supposed to be a small boss battle game where you fight the giant godzilla thing in a F-16.
was fun making the pixel art :B I have more art from a much bigger game I was making/am making, but Ill hold off showing that one for a while :3 I blame lochie for being a lazy cunt -_-" WELL I HOPE I SUITED URE NEEDS >:C now leave me nice comments so I can feel better bout myself ;D

Oh yea. Theres a chance I might be making a comic book :3 What do you guys think about that?

Red Dragon Orgy

Posted by Gonzossm - December 27th, 2009

Resident Evil Pwanchi Pt.4

watch it if you love me. If you dont then you will make me very upset :(
I maed icon for it :3

Santa Fu is the most badass thing.

my games coming along pathetically slow. it makes me very upset :c
cheer me up by watching REP ;D

Love you all... Bah-Oh Pig-gay

Also left 4 dead 2 is epic =D me likes me some scavenge.

Boomer isnt as jolly tho :(

Posted by Gonzossm - December 19th, 2009

Oney maed an sequel to l4s :B
watch now.

I maek tank + boomer easter egg at end.

They best friends :D

2 speed 4 left

Posted by Gonzossm - December 7th, 2009

I wanted it to stay up there forever :c

On a serious note. Thanks a ton for keepin up there for as long as it has :D I never expected it to be up there for that long. I am a bit upset that my current project isnt out yet -_-" wanted it out november, but stuff happens. Im not gonna make any promises on when the game will come out. Me and chaotic keep adding stuff to the game to make it more fun. I hope for it to release soon :/
To contemplate me not updatin with anything this past month. I share with you a jolly ol boomer.

:'( </3

Posted by Gonzossm - November 2nd, 2009

/* */
Subscribe to him if you like what you saw. He plans to do more episodes of dragonball :P outta be intresting. Hes looking to do some voice acting for flash animations if you have any animations in the works and need a voice actor drop him a PM :D

If you havent watch'd

you should cuz is awsome ;D.
Yes im aware I like to plug my friends in but I like to help :3
Oh yea remix AKA Weeklytube show is voice acting for the game me and chaotic are working on. So far its going along sexily. I would show stuff, but Id rather have it as a surprise for you guys. Nothing much new goin on :/ Havent heard from foreverkul in a week so im a bit upset over that :c Well ill have another update next time with some more friendly plug ins aaa.


Posted by Gonzossm - October 25th, 2009

Sorry I havent been posting news posts. Ive been meaning to post more often, but I like to plug in my freinds who make stuff, and I like to help advertise there works with the frontpage news posts just to help them out. ^_^ I promise I'll start keeping you guys informed Im sorry for the wait :(
on a side note, HOLY SHIT TOSS THE TURTLE HAS 2 MILLION VEIWS ALREADY :O I are teh happy, and thankful (: Thanks Tom for the sponsor, and frontpaging for so long <3 <3 <3

PO3 News(Bad news)
Well.. Ever since me, and foreverkull made TTT, Foreverkul got lazy/busy with college n such. So our original idea has to be scrapped :( . We still plan on making a po3 game, but it wont be as big the game we had originally planned :(, Me and foreverkul have an idea for an small, simple, fun game, BUT I NEED YOUR HELP. I need you guys to send ANGRY PMS TO FOREVERKUL TO GET TO WORK >:c.

My new games coming along very sexily (: its about 80% done :D Im liking how its coming along. Now if you guys wanna boost my coders motivation send him some angr- I mean happy "you go girl" motivational messages CHAOTICS PAGE :D

Thats all for now. Ill keep you guys updated i promise ^_^
I also made a sculpt of Dad n me hmm. Id post it but mindchamber says i need better camera so ill wait for that aaa. TTUL.


Posted by Gonzossm - September 6th, 2009

You guys should definatly check out "Resident Evil Pwanchi pt3" and Play "Naruto: ultimate battle" Tis awsome VOTE 5 >:C >:C >:C

Now about the happenings of things. Since you all care and want to know (yea right). Toss The turtle did Fantastic! 1 million veiws in just a few weeks, I never knew a simple launch game wouldve done so good, I prolly wouldve put more work into it if i knew itd do this well >.>
Im working on a few games right now. Po3, Iphone app, and another flash game that involves red dragons, poop, and burning cattle.. Oh and this guy vvvv

/* */

Posted by Gonzossm - August 25th, 2009

Me and Foreverkul gave an update to Toss The Turtle. The game now has in game medals >.> go get them all, Things to hit spawn more than they used to. Im surprised at how well its done :D 800,000 veiws so far. Enjoy :P



Well aparently that version sucked aaa foreverkul fixed it up and brought the tank back to its formal glory. We added a new gun to make up for foreverkuls mistake >:C, the golden gun. Go rank up enough cash to purchase it. Its a fuckin beast at what it does, tho it is pricy.

Game still needs to be approved by Newgrounds. Once you see 1.3 on the bottom left you'll know its the updated version, rather than shitty 1.3a :D

TTT UPDATE AGAIN (dosnt suck no more)